Air Quality Assessment (IAQ)

OHCS offers IAQ assessment of the workplace environment.

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is described as the totality of attributes of indoor air that affect a person’s health and well-being.Indoor air as air within a building occupied for at least one hour of exposure to people of varying states of health.

Most people spend about 90 % of their time indoors, it is important that indoor quality is free from pollutants and it is safe and healthy for human occupancy.

IAQ can be impacted from hazards such as:

  • Moulds/bacteria
  • Dust
  • Pests/Vermin/Pets (waste, dander)
  • Radon gases
  • Electromagnetic in server rooms
  • Gases (formaldehyde, CO, CO2, low O2)
  • Cigarette smoke specially 2nd hand
  • Combustion gases/emissions
  • Vehicle emissions
  • Office equipment emissions (ozone from printers and photocopiers, particulate)
  • Temperature/humidity
  • Asbestos
  • Sick Building Syndrome

Poor IAQ will impact worker health and productivity with various ranges of health effects such as irritation to eyes, nose, throat, headaches and dizziness. Chronic health effects such as respiratory disease and cancer. While psychological effects in headaches, respiratory distress/symptoms, anxiety, stress and fatigue.

For enquiries please contact Rohith Prasad.