Asbestos Removal & Remediation

OHCS provides professional guidance in the planning of all relevant processes for Asbestos containing materials (ACM) assessment, ACM removal and monitoring of asbestos during ACM removal in line with approved code of practices and standards.

Exposures of asbestos fibres are known to cause mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer. Removal of ACM can be a high risk process, because there is significant disturbance of the ACM and thus a potential for exposure to respirable airborne asbestos fibres. A high degree of control is essential for the safe removal of ACM.

The work practices and precautions shall be implemented to the particular circumstances of asbestos removal process by minimising risks of asbestos exposure to an acceptable level as practicable.

Workers within the asbestos work area and non-workers must be always protected from asbestos hazard through stringent implementation of asbestos removal control plan. It is also important to ensure no asbestos- contamination occurs outside the asbestos work area

Asbestos Removal Phases:

  • Asbestos Survey & Assessment
  • Scope of Work for Asbestos Removal Contractor
  • Asbestos Training of removal contractor
  • Ambient Monitoring of Asbestos Removal Site
  • Asbestos Clearance

For enquiries please contact Rohith Prasad.

Environment Monitoring of Asbestos
Asbestos Clearance Monitoring