Electromagnetic Radiation Assessment (EMR)

OHCS offer assessments, evaluation, inspection and mitigation of the workplaces environment with regards to EMR exposure. This is to help identify the external and internal sources of EMR pollutants in surrounding environment.

EMR is non-ionising radiation generally refers to radiation at the lower energy end of the spectrum. It is essentially a physical field that’s produced by an electrically charged object. It is common in all workplaces and homes due to the widespread use of radio frequencies (RF) transmission devices such as mobile phones or common appliances such as microwave ovens etc.

EMF Assessments:

  • AC Electrical fields appliances, electronics devices, microwave ovens
  • AC Magnetic fields in power lines, transformers, motors, appliances, dimmer switches, mobile phone towers, antenna transmitter and radar.
  • Radio Frequency Radiation in wireless exposure.
  • Server rooms, Wi-Fi/ Wireless routers/Wireless internet

For enquiries please contact Rohith Prasad.